This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

GREECE [30.01.2011] Migrants start a hunger strike

Hundreds of migrants have taken up the Faculty of law in Athens, and have started a hunger strike with the aim of rejecting agains the construction of a wall along the border between Greece and Trukey. They also claim for the legalization of their situation.

Filed under: Athens, Einwanderer, grève, huelga, απεργία, διαμαρτυρία, μετανάστες, migrantes, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, protest, Streik, strike

UK [29.01.2011] New protests against fees

Students have joined unions in order to protest against cuts and fees.


Filed under: étudiants, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estudiantes, fees, σπουδαστές, φόρος, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, London, manifestations, protest, recortes, sindicatos, Studenten, studenti, students, tasas, tasse, taxes, unions, workers

EGYPT [26-29] Revolution goes on

Huge protests all arround the country against Mubarak’s government. Citizens challenge the curfew in the streets.

Internet and mobile communications have been blocked by the government in order to keep the people uncommuncated.

Filed under: conflictos, demonstration, El Cairo, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, lotte, luttes, manifestations, net neutrality, neutralidad de la red, police violence, protest, State of alarm

SPAIN [26.01.2011] More protests against pensions reform

New protests in the country in several social security offices. Here’s a flashmob that has been performed in Barcelona:


Filed under: Barcelona, flashmob, συνταξιοδότηση, διαμαρτυρία, jubilación, pensionamento, pensions, protest, retirement, Ruhestand

EGYPT [26.01.2011] The country rises up

Big revolt in the the country against Mubarak’s government. El Cairo have been blocked by several demonstrations.

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Filed under: demonstration, El Cairo, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, lotte, luttes, manifestations, protest, struggles

SPAIN [22.01.2011] Big demonstration against pension reform

Big demonstration in Barcelona against pensions reform (which aims to extend the retirement age up to 67 years old). The demonstration have finished with the occupation of an old multiplex in the centre of the city, which had to be used to carry out discussions and assemblies, but police have been immediately blocked that possibility by evicting the building without a legal action.

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Filed under: Barcelona, Berufe, coupes, cuts, demonstration, συνταξιοδότηση, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, manifestations, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, pensionamento, pensions, police violence, prendre jusqu'à, recortes, take up

BELGIUM [23.01.2011] Huge demonstration in the capital

More than 40.000 people have demonstrate against parties incapacities. Since last elections (7 months ago), parties have not been able to form government. The inability to reach a deal is one more signal of the crisis of representative democracy in Europe.

Filed under: Belgium, Brussels, demonstration, διαμαρτυρία, manifestations

UK [21.01.2011] Old people protests against curts

Old men and women protests against cuts and austerity in London.

Filed under: coupes, cuts, Οι ηλικιωμένοι, διαμαρτυρία, jubilación, manifestations, Old people, pensions, Personnes âgées, protest, recortes, retirement, seniors

SPAIN [20.01.2011] First protests against pension reform

The first protests against pension reform have been lead by the main unionsm that have taken up several offices of social security. Next friday 28th the government will vote the extension of retirement up to 67 years. Protests will be retaken next days all arround the country.

Filed under: Berufe, συνταξιοδότηση, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, jubilación, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, oficina de la seguridad social, pensionamento, pensions, prendre jusqu'à, protest, recortes, retirement, Ruhestand, sindicatos, social security office, take up, unions, workers

UK [17.01.2011] A new wave of protests is beginning

Students are preparing new actions against cuts and austerity. New demonstrations and occupations will be runned next weeks.

Filed under: étudiants, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estudiantes, fees, σπουδαστές, manifestations, protest, recortes, Studenten, studenti, students, tasas, tasse, taxes

TUNISIA [6-16 Jan 2011] Government withdraws, citizens organize

Tunisan government withdraws because of the huge protests all arround the country. The president Ben Alí said that he will leave in 2014. Citizens have started to organize in committees in order to manage the cities.


Filed under: committees, conflictos, σπουδαστές, organization, protest, struggles, Tunisia

TUNISIA [6-13 Jan 2011] Thousands of youths challenge the curfew

A new day of protests in Tunisia against unemployment  and the measures of austerity that the govenment has imposed. Youths have challenged the curfew despite 50 of them have been killed by the police.

Filed under: conflictos, Curfew, desempleo, lotte, luttes, manifestations, police violence, protest, recortes, struggles, Toque de Queda, Tunisia, unemployment

SPAIN [11.01.11] Sevilla: Flamenco rave at Banco Santander

A group of dancers have temporaly taken up Banco Santander with a performance against bankers.

Filed under: bailaorxs, banco santander, bank, banque, besetzen, dancers, falmenco, τράπεζα, occupation, occupazione, ocupación, protest, Sevilla

TUNISIA [5-10 Jan. 2011] Biggest protests since decades against asuterity

Students and workers lead the biggest protests since decades against unemployment and cuts.

Click here to listen audio report by Il Manifesto

Filed under: étudiants, conflictos, coupes, cuts, demonstration, desempleo, estudiantes, σπουδαστές, αγώνες, lotte, luttes, manifestations, protest, recortes, struggles, Studenten, studenti, students, unemployment, workers

ITALY [03.01.11] First occupations of the year

Some faculties have been occupied in order to discuss on Gelmini reform of the university.

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Filed under: étudiants, Berufe, estudiantes, Gelmini reform, σπουδαστές, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, Studenten, studenti, students, take up, universidad, university

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This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

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