This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

SPAIN [14.05.2011] Huge demonstration against cuts

Huge demonstration in Barcelona against cuts and austerity.

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Filed under: Barcelona, coupes, cuts, περικοπές, welfare

SPAIN [11.05.2011] Blockages against cuts

Teachers, students and medicals have joined aganist health cuts. They have blocked main streets in Barcelona.

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Filed under: étudiants, Barcelona, blockage, coupes, cuts, estudiantes, Gewerkschaften, health, σπουδαστές, υγεία, επίδειξης, protest, recortes, salute, sanidad, santé, Studenten, studenti, students, welfare

SPAIN [12-14.04.2011] Another journey of protest agaist health cuts

Big demonstration and protests in Barcelona agaist health cuts. Main streets have been blocked by health professionals and citizens.

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Filed under: Barcelona, blockage, coupes, cuts, demonstration, Gewerkschaften, health, περικοπές, υγεία, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, manifestations, protest, recortes, salute, sanidad, santé, welfare

SPAIN [12-13.04.2011] Protests and blockages against health cuts

Demonstrations and blockages in Barcelona against health cuts.  Citizens, unions and health professionals have joined against austerity.

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Filed under: Barcelona, blockage, coupes, cuts, demonstration, Gewerkschaften, health, περικοπές, συνδικάτα, υγεία, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, manifestations, protest, recortes, salute, sanidad, santé, sindicatos, unions, welfare, workers

UK [26.03.2011] Massive demonstration against austerity

Unions and students movement have joined in a massive demonstration in London against austerity and against Cameron’s cuts.

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Filed under: étudiants, coupes, cuts, demonstration, desempleo, estudiantes, fees, σπουδαστές, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, Knowledge Liberation Front, London, manifestations, precarity, protest, recortes, sindicatos, Studenten, studenti, students, tasas, tasse, taxes, trabajadores, unemployment, unions, universidad, university, workers

[24-26.03.2011] Big students’ rise up all arround Europe!

From Oviedo to Milan, Rome, Bologna, Paris, Ljubljana, Madrid, London, Wien, Belgrade, Brussels, Turin, Pisa, and more european cities. Big students’ rise up against austerity, crisis, cuts and financial capitalism, as well as and for both another Europe and University. The protests were organized by Knowledge Liberation Front network. Here’re some pictures and videos of the evets:
















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Filed under: étudiants, bank, banque, bourse, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estudiantes, σπουδαστές, διαμαρτυρία, εορτασμός, Knowledge Liberation Front, manifestations, protest, recortes, struggles, Studenten, studenti, students, tasas, tasse, taxes, universidad, university

BELGIUM [24.03.2011] Huge demonstration in Brussels against auserity

Unions, workers and social movements from all arround Europe have med in a huge demonstration in Brussels against austerity. The protests were organized against european governments summit.

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Filed under: Belgium, Brussels, coupes, cuts, demonstration, Gewerkschaften, περικοπές, συνδικάτα, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, manifestations, protest, recortes, sindicatos, trabajadores, unions, workers

UK [26.02.2011] How to do bail out welfare?

Filed under: bank, Berufe, coupes, cuts, περικοπές, τράπεζα, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, prendre jusqu'à, protest, recortes, take up

UK [26.02.2011] Several banks have been occupied for welfare

Several banks have been occupied in order to use them for different activites that welfare cuts and austerity are destroying.

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Filed under: bank, Berufe, coupes, cuts, περικοπές, τράπεζα, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, prendre jusqu'à, protest, recortes, take up

GREECE [23.02.2011] General strike against austerity

A new general strike has blocked Greece. More than 50.000 people have demonstrate in Athens with mottos such as ‘We will not pay the crisis’ or ‘Stop austerity measures’.

Filed under: Athens, coupes, cuts, demonstration, Generalstreik, grève générale, Greece, huelga general, γενική απεργία, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, manifestations, protest, recortes

UK [29.01.2011] New protests against fees

Students have joined unions in order to protest against cuts and fees.


Filed under: étudiants, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estudiantes, fees, σπουδαστές, φόρος, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, London, manifestations, protest, recortes, sindicatos, Studenten, studenti, students, tasas, tasse, taxes, unions, workers

SPAIN [22.01.2011] Big demonstration against pension reform

Big demonstration in Barcelona against pensions reform (which aims to extend the retirement age up to 67 years old). The demonstration have finished with the occupation of an old multiplex in the centre of the city, which had to be used to carry out discussions and assemblies, but police have been immediately blocked that possibility by evicting the building without a legal action.

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Filed under: Barcelona, Berufe, coupes, cuts, demonstration, συνταξιοδότηση, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, manifestations, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, pensionamento, pensions, police violence, prendre jusqu'à, recortes, take up

UK [21.01.2011] Old people protests against curts

Old men and women protests against cuts and austerity in London.

Filed under: coupes, cuts, Οι ηλικιωμένοι, διαμαρτυρία, jubilación, manifestations, Old people, pensions, Personnes âgées, protest, recortes, retirement, seniors

UK [17.01.2011] A new wave of protests is beginning

Students are preparing new actions against cuts and austerity. New demonstrations and occupations will be runned next weeks.

Filed under: étudiants, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estudiantes, fees, σπουδαστές, manifestations, protest, recortes, Studenten, studenti, students, tasas, tasse, taxes

TUNISIA [5-10 Jan. 2011] Biggest protests since decades against asuterity

Students and workers lead the biggest protests since decades against unemployment and cuts.

Click here to listen audio report by Il Manifesto

Filed under: étudiants, conflictos, coupes, cuts, demonstration, desempleo, estudiantes, σπουδαστές, αγώνες, lotte, luttes, manifestations, protest, recortes, struggles, Studenten, studenti, students, unemployment, workers

ITALY [22.12.10] More protests all arround the country

A new day of protests all arround Italy against Gelmini’s reform. Students’ blockages in Rome, Venice, Palermo, Napoli, Trento, Treviso, Padova and many other cities.

Rome | Big students demonstrations. The main motorways have been blocked.

Napoli | 10.000 students. The train station and the harbor have been taken up

Trento | Students block the city

Treviso | Big movilizations. Artistic bachelor have been taken up

Padova | Students mobilizations

Venezia | Students assault la Prefettura

Palermo | Students assault Palazzo della Regione

Studenti, scontri in piazza

For further information please check:

Filed under: Ancona, étudiants, berlusconi, Berufe, blockage, conflictos, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estación, estudiantes, Gelmini reform, σπουδαστές, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, L'Aquila, lotte, luttes, manifestations, Napoli, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, Padova, Palermo, protest, recortes, Roma, struggles, Studenten, studenti, students, take up, Torino, Trento, Treviso, universidad, university, Venice

GREECE [15.12.10] More and more images form Greece protests against austerity

More images from last (but not least) protests in Greece yestarday.

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Filed under: Athens, étudiants, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estudiantes, Generalstreik, grève générale, Greece, huelga general, σπουδαστές, φόρος, γενική απεργία, διαμαρτυρία, protest, recortes, sciopero generale, struggles, Studenten, studenti, students, workers

GREECE [15.12.10] Eighth general strike of the year in Greece

Eighth general strike in Greece against the auterity mesures. Students and workers have joined to demonstrate and protest all arround the country against neoliberalism and finanziarization scarcity. The Ministry of Finances have been attacked.

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Filed under: Athens, étudiants, coupes, cuts, estudiantes, fees, Generalstreik, grève générale, Greece, huelga general, σπουδαστές, γενική απεργία, protest, recortes, sciopero generale, Studenten, studenti, students, workers

PORTUGAL [13.12.10] Flashmob against italian education cuts

A group of italian Erasmus student have realized a flashmob in one of the most central street of Lisbon. While shoppers, tourists, workers, were walking on Rua do Carmo, the students have lied down and written with their bodies the following message:  WE DON’T TRUST YOU (VI SFIDUCIAMO, in italian). Students announce another mobilitation day for tomorrow. ON THE 14 OF DECEMBER LET’S DENY OUR CONFIDENCE TO THE CUTS GOVERNMENT!!

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Filed under: étudiants, coupes, cuts, Erasmus, estudiantes, flashmob, σπουδαστές, Portugal, recortes, Studenten, studenti, students

UK [10.12.10] More and more images from the students protests

More images on the huge mobilizations, book blocks, demonstrations and protests in London.

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Filed under: étudiants, blockage, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estudiantes, fees, σπουδαστές, London, protest, recortes, Steuer, Studenten, studenti, students, tasas, tasse, taxes

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This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

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