This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

GREECE [04.06.2011] Ministry of Finance have been occupied

The Ministry of Finance, in Athens, have been occupied as a protest against austerity plans.

Filed under: Athens, Greece, διαμαρτυρία, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, protest, take up

ITALY [04.05.2011] Sapienza’s rectorate is occupied

Sapienza’s rectorate, Roma,  has been occupied by more than 300 students in oder to organize the general strike of May 6th.

Filed under: étudiants, estudiantes, grève générale, huelga general, σπουδαστές, γενική απεργία, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, prendre jusqu'à, Roma, sciopero generale, Studenten, studenti, students, take up

FRANCE [02.05.2011] Tunisian migrans occupy in Paris

Tunisian migrants have occupied a big building in Paris.

Filed under: Berufe, Einwanderer, καταλαμβάνουν, μετανάστες, migrantes, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, Paris, prendre jusqu'à, take up, Tunisia

UK [26.02.2011] How to do bail out welfare?

Filed under: bank, Berufe, coupes, cuts, περικοπές, τράπεζα, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, prendre jusqu'à, protest, recortes, take up

UK [26.02.2011] Several banks have been occupied for welfare

Several banks have been occupied in order to use them for different activites that welfare cuts and austerity are destroying.

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Filed under: bank, Berufe, coupes, cuts, περικοπές, τράπεζα, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, prendre jusqu'à, protest, recortes, take up

ITALY [05-06.02.2011] Big mobilization weekend

Several protests all around the country against Berlusconi’s government. Students reject Gelmini reform one more time. The rectorship of Padova University have been taken up.

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Filed under: étudiants, berlusconi, Berufe, demonstration, estudiantes, Gelmini reform, σπουδαστές, διαμαρτυρία, μετανάστες, manifestations, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, Padova, protest, Studenten, studenti, students, take up

GREECE [30.01.2011] Migrants start a hunger strike

Hundreds of migrants have taken up the Faculty of law in Athens, and have started a hunger strike with the aim of rejecting agains the construction of a wall along the border between Greece and Trukey. They also claim for the legalization of their situation.

Filed under: Athens, Einwanderer, grève, huelga, απεργία, διαμαρτυρία, μετανάστες, migrantes, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, protest, Streik, strike

SPAIN [22.01.2011] Big demonstration against pension reform

Big demonstration in Barcelona against pensions reform (which aims to extend the retirement age up to 67 years old). The demonstration have finished with the occupation of an old multiplex in the centre of the city, which had to be used to carry out discussions and assemblies, but police have been immediately blocked that possibility by evicting the building without a legal action.

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Filed under: Barcelona, Berufe, coupes, cuts, demonstration, συνταξιοδότηση, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, manifestations, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, pensionamento, pensions, police violence, prendre jusqu'à, recortes, take up

SPAIN [20.01.2011] First protests against pension reform

The first protests against pension reform have been lead by the main unionsm that have taken up several offices of social security. Next friday 28th the government will vote the extension of retirement up to 67 years. Protests will be retaken next days all arround the country.

Filed under: Berufe, συνταξιοδότηση, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, jubilación, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, oficina de la seguridad social, pensionamento, pensions, prendre jusqu'à, protest, recortes, retirement, Ruhestand, sindicatos, social security office, take up, unions, workers

ITALY [03.01.11] First occupations of the year

Some faculties have been occupied in order to discuss on Gelmini reform of the university.

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Filed under: étudiants, Berufe, estudiantes, Gelmini reform, σπουδαστές, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, Studenten, studenti, students, take up, universidad, university

ITALY [22.12.10] More protests all arround the country

A new day of protests all arround Italy against Gelmini’s reform. Students’ blockages in Rome, Venice, Palermo, Napoli, Trento, Treviso, Padova and many other cities.

Rome | Big students demonstrations. The main motorways have been blocked.

Napoli | 10.000 students. The train station and the harbor have been taken up

Trento | Students block the city

Treviso | Big movilizations. Artistic bachelor have been taken up

Padova | Students mobilizations

Venezia | Students assault la Prefettura

Palermo | Students assault Palazzo della Regione

Studenti, scontri in piazza

For further information please check:

Filed under: Ancona, étudiants, berlusconi, Berufe, blockage, conflictos, coupes, cuts, demonstration, estación, estudiantes, Gelmini reform, σπουδαστές, διαμαρτυρία, καταλαμβάνουν, L'Aquila, lotte, luttes, manifestations, Napoli, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, Padova, Palermo, protest, recortes, Roma, struggles, Studenten, studenti, students, take up, Torino, Trento, Treviso, universidad, university, Venice

UK [12.12.10] New links on UK universities occupations


University of Nottingham |

University of Sheffield |

University of Brighton |

University of Southbank |

London School of Economics |

University of Sussex |

University of Birmingham |

University of Bristol |

Goldsmith University |

University of Kent |

University of Leeds |

University of Newcastle |

University of East London |

University of Manchester |

University of Cambridge |

University of West England |

University College London |

King’s College |

Other links |

Filed under: étudiants, besetzen, estudiantes, σπουδαστές, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, Studenten, studenti, take up, universidad, university

ITALY [02.12.10] Bologna. Students occupy the railway station

Nuova tappa di mobilitazione a Bologna. Lo slittamento del passaggio al Senato della riforma non ha fatto abbassare la tensione in città. Oggi dura e determinata contestazione, corredata dalle solite cariche ordinate dal questore Merolla, al Motor Show, simbolo pluriennale della mercificazione del corpo femminile e dell’opulenza devastatrice dell’ambiente rappresentata dal settore automobilistico.

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Filed under: étudiants, estación, estudiantes, occupation, occuper, ocupación, station, Studenten, students

ITALY [24.11.10] Students assault the Senate

Un gruppo di studenti che protestavano contro la riforma dell’università ha superato mercoledì mattina le barriere di sicurezza e ha tentato di entrare a Palazzo Madama.

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Filed under: étudiants, estudiantes, occupation, occuper, ocupación, Roma, sénat, senate, Studenten, studenti, students

ITALY [27.11.10] Students take up the Tower of Pisa

Filed under: étudiants, estudiantes, occuper, ocupación, Studenten, studenti, students, take up, Torre di Pisa

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This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

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