This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

UK [26.03.2011] Massive demonstration against austerity

Unions and students movement have joined in a massive demonstration in London against austerity and against Cameron’s cuts.

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Filed under: étudiants, coupes, cuts, demonstration, desempleo, estudiantes, fees, σπουδαστές, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, Knowledge Liberation Front, London, manifestations, precarity, protest, recortes, sindicatos, Studenten, studenti, students, tasas, tasse, taxes, trabajadores, unemployment, unions, universidad, university, workers

TUNISIA [6-13 Jan 2011] Thousands of youths challenge the curfew

A new day of protests in Tunisia against unemployment  and the measures of austerity that the govenment has imposed. Youths have challenged the curfew despite 50 of them have been killed by the police.

Filed under: conflictos, Curfew, desempleo, lotte, luttes, manifestations, police violence, protest, recortes, struggles, Toque de Queda, Tunisia, unemployment

TUNISIA [5-10 Jan. 2011] Biggest protests since decades against asuterity

Students and workers lead the biggest protests since decades against unemployment and cuts.

Click here to listen audio report by Il Manifesto

Filed under: étudiants, conflictos, coupes, cuts, demonstration, desempleo, estudiantes, σπουδαστές, αγώνες, lotte, luttes, manifestations, protest, recortes, struggles, Studenten, studenti, students, unemployment, workers

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This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

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