This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

[15.05-26.05-2011] Campings go on growing elsewhere

While campings in Spain go on growing the movement is spreading elsewhere.

Here’s a video of Athens’ camping:

Filed under: acampada, Athens, camping, διαμαρτυρία, κατασκήνωση, protest

[15-20.05.2011] Campings and protests spread worldwide

As campings and protests go on growing all around Spain they start spreading worldwide.

Check the map to see the campings:

Filed under: Sin categoría

SPAIN, PORTUGAL [15-17.05.2011] Protests go on

Previous NOTE for international readers:

Democracia Real Ya (Real Democracy Now) is a networked organisation that has no affiliation with any unions or political parties. On May 15th some 150,000 people in more than 60 cities all around the country marched to demand  social, political and economic justice. Since then protests have gone on, growing in support through social networks (#spanishrevolution and #nonosvamos -we are not going away- have been global trending topics since then). Right now, thousands of people are camping in central squares in the main Spanish towns and cities, they are also organising themselves through social networks, which –after the Arab revolutions– are proving once again how useful they can be in allowing people to organise without a centre.

Protests go on in the network and in the streets. People start camping in Madrid, Barcelona and other cities. #spanishrevolution, #acampadasol (sol camping) and #nonosvamos (we are not going away) become global trending topics. See images and infromation of the campings below.

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See more videos from May 15th below.

Filed under: acampada, camping, cyberactivism, demonstration, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, κατασκήνωση, manifestations, protest

SPAIN, PORTUGAL and other countries [15.05.2011] Massive demonstrations in more than 60 cities

Massive protest in Spain claiming for radical political, social and economical changes.  The demonstrations were organized by Democracia Real Ya! (Real Democracy Now!) [] and took place in more than 60 cities all arround Spain, Portugal and other countries.

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See here links in the massmedia:

Filed under: Democracia real ya, demonstration, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, manifestations, protest

SPAIN [14.05.2011] Huge demonstration against cuts

Huge demonstration in Barcelona against cuts and austerity.

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Filed under: Barcelona, coupes, cuts, περικοπές, welfare

GREECE [12.05.2011] Second general strike of the year

Second general strike of the year in Greece against austerity plans.

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Filed under: Athens, Generalstreik, grève générale, Greece, huelga general, γενική απεργία, sciopero generale, unions, workers

SPAIN [11.05.2011] Blockages against cuts

Teachers, students and medicals have joined aganist health cuts. They have blocked main streets in Barcelona.

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Filed under: étudiants, Barcelona, blockage, coupes, cuts, estudiantes, Gewerkschaften, health, σπουδαστές, υγεία, επίδειξης, protest, recortes, salute, sanidad, santé, Studenten, studenti, students, welfare

ITALY [06.05.2011] General strike!

Big protests, blockages and demonstrations during the general strike in Italy.









Other pics:

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Filed under: Ancona, blockage, Bologna, book block, conflictos, demonstration, Gewerkschaften, grève générale, huelga general, γενική απεργία, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, lotte, luttes, manifestations, Napoli, Padova, protest, Roma, sciopero generale, sindicatos, struggles, Torino, Trento, unions

ITALY [06.05.2011] General Strike starts now

Today, May 6th, there is a general strike in Italy. Here is a video produced for the call.

Filed under: Generalstreik, grève générale, huelga general, γενική απεργία, sciopero generale

ITALY [04.05.2011] Sapienza’s rectorate is occupied

Sapienza’s rectorate, Roma,  has been occupied by more than 300 students in oder to organize the general strike of May 6th.

Filed under: étudiants, estudiantes, grève générale, huelga general, σπουδαστές, γενική απεργία, καταλαμβάνουν, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, prendre jusqu'à, Roma, sciopero generale, Studenten, studenti, students, take up

FRANCE [02.05.2011] Tunisian migrans occupy in Paris

Tunisian migrants have occupied a big building in Paris.

Filed under: Berufe, Einwanderer, καταλαμβάνουν, μετανάστες, migrantes, occupation, occupazione, occuper, ocupación, Paris, prendre jusqu'à, take up, Tunisia

May 1rst: Demonstrations all around Europe and Magreb

Thousand of demonstrations and protests all around Europe and Magreb this 1rst of May. Here few examples (due to the media blackout) from


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and Italy:

Filed under: demonstration, διαμαρτυρία, επίδειξης, lotte, luttes, manifestations, precarity, protest, sindicatos, struggles, trabajadores, workers

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This news agency aims to report trans-European struggles against the measures of austerity that are destroying our future. These are the news for and from a precarious generation fighting against the present in order to achieve a better future for Europe and the whole Mediterranean. A future not based on austerity, scarcity, profit, war and crisis, but a future based on the distribution of the common wealth, happiness, social rights, conflict, and new social and political institutions. Paraphrasing one of the European students’ motto we could say: "If 'they' block our future, we will block Europe!" "Against thieves of our future, let's appropriate it!!"

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